Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Britney is loosing her kids!!!!

You know it's autumn in California when the days grow shorter, nights are cooler and Matthew McConaughey wears a shirt while on his morning jog through the hills of Malibu. It appears it might also be time for his seasonal bath.
So far it is a slow news day and I just can not bring myself to do a Britney post even though the stupid bitch is loosing her kids.


p0nk said...

That looks just like the guy that was chasing after me last night when I threw my extra Big Mac out the car window at him while he was holding his "Will Work For Food" sign.

FRIST!!! said...

Wow p0nk, where do you live? Around here our bums are so lazy their signs say "Need Money".

FRIST!!! said...

Oh yeah, and there was this one guy whose sign said simply “Why lie? Need beer”. Now that guy I could deal with. So I stood next to him for 3 hours.

p0nk said...

i hope he shared with you.

Jimbo said...

We have a guy with one leg that stand out by the freeway with the "Will Work for Money" sign. I keep trying to come up with something that I can hire him for. I was thinking about having him stomp grapes for my next batch of wine? Play kick ball with my daughter? Any thoughts on what I can hire him for???

FRIST!!! said...

Oh yeah? I got a guy on a corner with NO legs in a freaking wheelchair, I forgot about him, his sign does say "Will work for food", and I'm like, what the fuck can YOU do????

Eagle Eye said...

Mathew AND a shirt? Isn't that an oxymoron? I like his little head piece,but it isn't his color?

p0nk said...

i too loved the 'hair' thing. It looks like he's wearing a bird nest being held on with robin-egg-blue scrungee.