Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Joshua Tree

Here are a couple of my pictures from Joshua Tree. I am post them on I will post a direct link to the pictures tomorrow. I have uploaded the full sized picture, so click on each picture to see it better Here the link to all the pictures


p0nk said...

wow, those are beautiful!

Eagle Eye said...

I love me some cholla--it adds great texture and interest to the desert! Did you artificially light those rocks--it looks cool either way!

Eagle Eye said...

Did you see any tarantulas or other fun fauna?

Jimbo said...

P0nk, Thanks

Cowgirl, The light on the rocks is from our camp fire. I did not see an tarantulas this time. I have seen them before. I was hoping to see some wild life out there, but they were all hiding.

There is a link will take you to all of the pictures in my blog now.

NotANiceGirl said...

Really amazing. I really can't get over the natural beauty. The depth of field is really fantastic.

Jimbo said...

Thanks, I have been working hard to up my quailty of work. It just takes time and lots of pictures.

NotANiceGirl said...

the one thing I find with digital vs. traditional film is that since you aren't using a small number of shots you just click away. The danger with that is that your skill may not necessarily and you can take more accidental shots. Now candids and the good mistakes are sometimes the best. I still use regular film and enjoy developing them because again with a photo lab they do the obvious. You are definately getting some great shots so I'm not taking that away from you. I'm certainly enjoying your work!