Lindsay's apparently putting her rehab time to good use—shopping for sexy underthings at Mary Jane's in Park City, Utah.
According to a source, LiLo visited the trendy boutique earlier this month with two friends (a girl and a guy) in tow.
Among her purchases—$1,200 on her Mastercard—were several sets of Honeydew lingerie in black lace, green gingham, pink gingham, mesh cotton, gold-crown print and more. She also got some hats, cosmetics, sunglasses and RJ Designs hoop earrings, but all that stuff pales in comparison to the many dirty pretty things she scored.
So, what have we learned here?
They don't confiscate your credit card in rehab.
Part of treatment includes shopping sprees.
Even in rehab, no one wants to be seen in granny panties
All kidding aside, we should probably be grateful for the purchases, especially the panties. She just needs to remember to actually wear the darned things when she gets back to L.A.
OK, now it is time to come home to papa! Wait that is Joe Simpson and that is the wrong daughter. Never mind! OK new game, the first one to connect the freckles and spell Herpes win $10 million dollars. Really I have the check in my hand and will mail it out ASAP
FIRST Bitches!!!!
lol, at least you didn't say 'frist'. xrist what a trainwreck this girl is.
only 21 and no marketable potential left for Playboy to exploit. That, my friends, is when you know you're washed up.
As much as Like to make fun of these idiots. It really is sad that these girls have tons of money, people to lead them down the right path to tons more money and they become complete lossers. and the people that are suppose to be watching out for them, do not ahve the balls to tell them that is a bad decision.
Time to stop feeling sorry for this train wreck, I am rooting for you and your dead pool
i think lindsay's mom benefits too much from the gravy train to let lindsay off herself real soon.
Britney doesn't even that going for her.
yeh and i can't type in grammatically correct sentences yet.
Copious amounts of drugs kill that herpes shit don't it?
not the copious amounts of drugs that liLo takes.
I hear you Jimbo--At what point,as one of her friends,do you say--Whoaaa now wait a minute--Maybe you SHOULDN'T stick that up your fill-in-the-blank orafice!?!
LOL pOnk. We are a funny funny team. You,me,Jimbo--3some?
Not that I want to pat myself on the back, But I am liking this much better than the fish. If you guys are interested, I will open up the authering and we can all add crap. It is not that hard to find this stuff on the web. I don't know why the Fish has such a problem with it.
all the fishy goodness, zero trolls.
I like the sound of "authorship" it sounds authoritative or sci-fi-I can't figure out which!?
I don't know how prolific I'll be. I can barely keep up with my place and then Jimbo invites me over and then before you know it we're in a bathroom stall and I can't close the stall door!
must be the 'wide stance'
Do you see my fingers under the stall wall???
bwahahaha Jimbo!
How come I don't get to put a picture by my name?!?!?
See if I ever come HERE again :(
FRIST, you can put what ever picture you want by your name
Oh, I see, well maybe I'll set up my pro-file tomorrow or something. I just figured it out. Hey I'm NEW, I'm not retarded!!!!
This will be my 437th internet profile. I'm plastered all OVER this motherfucker!!!!
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