In a scene reminiscent of 1995, a tired-looking O.J. Simpson-- in a full prison jumpsuit, handcuffs and shackles oh my!-- has just walked into a Clark County Courthouse for his first appearance on burglary, robbery, kidnapping, conspiracy and assault with a deadly weapon charges. Longtime attorney Yale Galanter is by his side, along with attorney Gabriel Grasso. Ironically, former prosecutor Marcia Clark is in the courtroom, covering the proceedings for "ET." O.J.'s girlfriend Christine Prody, his sister Mattie and his daughter Arnelle are also in the courtroom.O.J. said very little, answering "yes" when asked if he'd seen the charges and understood them. The prosecution announced that the two sides have agreed to allow Simpson to post $125,000 cash in bail, provided he surrender his passport (but can travel freely in the U.S.) and have no contact with the witnesses, alleged victims or co-defendants in the case
Does anyone really believe that OJ is not going to pull the White Bronco out of the garage and make a run for TJ? This judge has got to be the biggest retard in Clark County or Lance Ito has moved. $125K to get out of jail! OJ is going to run faster than cop to a donut shop
I agree with you....I just continue to be amazed by our legal system in this country. This guy just keeps getting away with crap and given the ok to run knowing he's a flight risk. This judge has lost his mind as has the prosecutor to agree to this. Where in the hell is justice???
It is not in LA as Phil Spector is about to walk
Yeah no kidding. Isn't that a bunch of garbage too
Come on! Where's the gun? I bet he can't even hold it in his massive hands! It doesn't fit his grip-too small--He's innocent I know!
hung jury is not the same as acquittal. but yes LA's legal system is completely farking nuts - OJ, Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, ad nauseum... and Spector may possibly be next.
But I still believe in karma and all of these fuckers as well as the people that help them continue to walk the streets freely will find their own hell, if not in this life, then the next.
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