Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Digging for Gold!

I hate having a great big booger up my nose as much as the next guy. You would think that a guy that is as famous as Will Ferrell will hire someone to pick his nose for him. I know I would if I had his money.


p0nk said...

i love when the wiggers try flashing gang signs - something always goes horribly wrong.

Jimbo said...

p0nk is that really you or your troll?

Eagle Eye said...

I thought you could "shake" the trolls out here?

p0nk said...

what? troll? where?

Jimbo said...

It was a joke. I changes it so you have to have an account on Blogger. So no trolls here

p0nk said...

sometimes (ok, often) i think i'm funny when i'm really not. feel free to blame those times on the 'trolls'.

p0nk said...

and did i see frist over here? cool!

Jimbo said...

Yes FRIST and Veggi know about this place.

FRIST!!! said...

Here I am!!!

FRIST!!! said...

Ok, Jimbo, do my comments have to be relevant to the post and how offensive am I allowed to get?

Jimbo said...

FRIST, you can say anything you want. While I would never delete anything you say, If some asshole pops in here, I can delete what ever they say. You can say fuck or shit, or any other 4 letter word you want and on any topic

p0nk said...

btw, does anybody know if Will Ferrel is related to Mike Ferrel(sp?) (BJ Honeycutt from MASH)? they look similar.
Probably a real gay question to ask but i was out of the mainstream for the entire 90s so i missed a lot.

Jimbo said...

I just checked IMDB and it did not say anything about being related to Mike Ferrell. Will's dad was the key board plaier for the Righteous Brothers.

You have made it into the 90's? I thought you guys were still in the 70's. When I need an new pair of bell bottoms I am coming up for a visit

p0nk said...

see, you're still confusing us with Arcata. Not all of Humboldt Co is stuck in the Woodstock era.

p0nk said...

Will Ferrell's dad was with the Righteous Brothers?! xrist, that's hysterical.
I want to see Will doing "You've Lost That Loving Feeling"