Thursday, October 4, 2007

If I can't be a koala bear I want to be Leo

I know being a Hollywood celebrity gets you good looking women. But how did this ugly dork pick up on Bar Rafaeli? I am just waiting for Leo to get busted for getting a hummer from a transvestite hooker on Sunset Blvd


Eagle Eye said...

He's not into Hummers, don't you know he's a green peace fanatic?LOL!I bet that's his angle on picking up fine women--"I like koala bears,trees,spotted owls,and hybrids! Wanna see my solar paneled bedroom?"

Jimbo said...

Then when they get to his house and they ask what the smell is, Leo just tells them that is the compost pile over at Ed Begley Jr.

FRIST!!! said...

I saw Ed Begley Jr. at Universal Studios a couple years ago. He had a kid on his shoulders and had no enteurage and there were no paps snapping his photos. That's how I know it was him.